Taking out a life insurance policy provides you with invaluable peace of mind that at the time of your passing, your loved ones won’t be scrambling to cover your medical costs, funeral expenses, or keep current with the monthly bills. Linares Insurance provides customers with a variety of life insurance options, including variable life insurance.
If you want to take a hands-on approach with your investments, a variable life insurance policy may be perfect for you. Designed to give the policy owner complete control over where the premium dollars are invested, variable life insurance policies are a permanent type of protection for your family. Unlike with term life insurance, when you sign up for a variable life insurance policy, you are ensuring your family’s protection from the time you open the policy until your death, no matter when it occurs.
When it comes to a permanent life insurance policy, only part of your monthly premiums goes towards the actual insurance itself. The rest of it goes toward investments, and with variable life insurance from Linares Insurance, you have more control over where your money goes than with any other policy. You can customize your investments based on your desired level of risk. If you want to play it safe, you can choose the lower return options and minimize your risks. Likewise, if you want to take a chance and go for the higher percentage returns at the risk of occasional losses, you have that option as well.
Bear in mind that while variable life insurance policies do provide you with more freedom to invest, this also comes with added responsibility. Because of the investment risks involved with variable life insurance, it’s probably best geared to those with a long-term outlook who are willing to pay the premiums for years. Additionally, with the volatility of high-risk stocks, you’ll need to look at the bigger picture when it comes to losses and stay invested for your fortune to change. Someone taking out a policy later in life that wants minimal risk would probably be better off going with an index or term life insurance policy.
Should your investment choices pan out well, however, your variable life insurance policy can gain far more value in a much shorter time than one that is managed by others. This increases the amount of your death benefit, further providing for your loved ones in the event of a sudden passing. Should you need to borrow from your policy to pay for everyday events like college tuition, emergencies, or supplementing your retirement income, a variable life insurance policy provides you with that option. It is important to remember that each loan does reduce the payout of the death benefit, however, so borrow with caution.
For policyholders with a long-term approach that want a hands-on life insurance policy, variable life insurance could be the perfect fit. Contact the professionals at Linares Insurance today to find out how we can help provide for your loved ones when you aren’t around to do it yourself.